Monday, August 27, 2007

Surviving Lame Cat By Joel

Before you read this poem, I thought that it would be helpful to let you know the background of this poem.One day while I was eating my dinner with my family outside, I looked out the door, and saw a cat.It's paw was bleeding, no... The cat actually lost a paw, and the joint where the paw was supposed to be was bleeding.

Before I could start feeling sorry for the cat, something more caught my attention.The cat was digging the ground, for food perhaps. It was a tar road. There is no food there.Perhaps a cat like that do not have much intellect to know that there will be no food beneath the tar road.Yet the cat's will to live convicted me. Yes, the cat have less intellect. Yes, it was probably animal insticts.But, the conviction came when I recall the moments when I started giving up in life when I meet obstacles.It reminds me of the time when I indulged in self pity. I throw a whole pity party, as if the world revolves around me.

A lame cat shamed me. It probably won't sound very grand, but this poem, is really written in honour of a cat.A lame cat. A lame cat that is probably more inspiring than 95% of earth's population."You" would refer to the cat.

You say, "There is more to life"
I say, "Then show me what is life"
Show me things you find
Really,I don't want to be left behind

Adventures you tell - I do wonder,
Reflecting on my life - I start to ponder,
If the highest high will be too high,
Or maybe,
Perhaps like you said, "It is nigh, it is nigh"

If life's a bet,
Im reaching my final chips,
Remembering the lame old cat,
I wonder if I'm really reduced to bits.

But now that life's a snare
I can't even reach a tie
I don't think I'll ever care
I'd rather try, or I'd rather die

Perhaps, the lame old cat is bright
It said, "Real life, is not yet out of sight
O God, I am wrong,
Now please,
Make me right.

Despite not being made by me. I think this post is really meaningful ya? How often have we complained how tough life is. Guess we shouldn't really say that until we become like the lame cat. Figurative speaking...


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It Rained...

Have you ever wondered why God use rain to destroy mankind? That question came to my head as I was driving today. Why not use fire? He could have ask Noah to just hide in a cave and shut himself up.

But in the end, God did sent the rain to earth. I remembered playing a game once, and one of the NPC (Non-Playable Characters) said that rain was to cleanse the body. But the body, cannot be cleansed thoroughly. As I sit here typing out this post, I think of how dirty and unworthy I am towards God. So many times I told myself I would get my heart right with God, yet so many times I failed him.

Lately, I been doing more thinking than usual. I always think of what if I did this instead of that, or what if I had never took that road that leads to where I am now? Then I realize, there are endless possibilities. For all I know, I could have taken 1 wrong step and end up a situation worse than I am now. I could also be in a better place right now. So the more I wondered, I realize I should not be thinking about it.

But if I had taken another road, I might not be what I am today. But there is an assuring quote that reminds me. It is the statement that my Malaysian Studies lecturer told me and the rest of the class.

"My dear friends, everything happens for a reason."
Mr. Warren Lau

I guess there is a truth in that. The things that happen around us, the things that we all see and do, will always have a reason. As I think about things that happen around me, things like failing a test which I just had. I tell myself, I can learn from what I did or I choose not to. See, I believe that every time we come upon a stumbling block or a bad time. We can learn from it, or, we could simply choose not to.
